Version française de notre site web
Maternity photo shoot at Mont Saint-Bruno National Park
There’s nothing more beautiful than a woman carrying life inside her. That’s the case with Milène who also turned out to be an excellent model to photograph.
This is a maternity photo session that we decided to do in Mont Saint-Bruno National Park in the South Shore of Montreal, late in the afternoon.
Maternity session in Laval
Here’s how you turn pictures from an overused/cliche location into authentic pictures by taking advantage of the beautiful light and experimenting with new angles… And certainly having a beautiful smiling pregnant couple!
We are currently offering discounts on Maternity photo sessions. Please contact us for pricing and other details.
A few more nice reviews from our past wedding clients
We have received a few more excellent reviews on WeddingWire from our past clients.
Thank you Aurora, Milène, Miriam, Meredith, Rawan and Amanda for your excellent reviews! And Thank you for letting me be a part of your special day.
Read our reviews in -
New Review on Wedding Wire: We now have the Recommended Gold Seal
We have just received a new review from one of our many happy Wedding couples on Wedding Wire.
Thank you Meredith for your trust and the nice review that you have written about our wedding photography services.
It’s always a huge pleasure to be part of those beautiful and happy Wedding days. To view more reviews about us on Wedding Wire, please Click here.
You may also view more reviews on our website, by going to the Clients’ Testimonials page.
Welcome to the new Website
Welcome to the new Njeim Photography Website.
We have just launched the new website with a new look and features. It was about time to bring a fresh new layout to the website and also make it responsive with mobile devices in order to make your experience easy and more pleasant.
Beside being mobile friendly, which is very important nowadays, the website also offers a better and easy-to-navigate blog which we will be updating on a regular basis.
Below is a screenshot of our old website design:
The whole update is an ongoing process and may take a while for the website to be completely error-free. We appreciate it if you could let us know what you think of the new website by leaving a comment below or also by contacting us through the contact page.
French note to our dear french-speaking clients and visitors of the website:
Il nous fera grand plaisir de vous servir en français, mais pour le moment, pour des restrictions reliées à sa conception, notre site web est offert seulement en anglais. Une version en français sera bientôt disponible. Merci de votre compréhension!
N’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous en français!
NJEIM Montreal photography
At NJEIM photography:
– We offer our services in English.
– Nous offrons nos services en Français.
– Ofrecemos nuestros servicios en Español.
– نقدم لكم الخدمة باللغة العربيةWe also offer our services in the most beautiful and elegant picture!
Contact us on 514-574-0690
http://njeimphotography.com -
Classic B&W (Black and White) Portrait by Wassim Njeim
Classic Black and White B&W Portrait.
© Wassim Njeim Photography – www.wassphoto.com -
Modeling photoshoots – Picture from recent photoshoots with models
Fashion – Beauty photoshoot
Reserve your engagement casual photo session for the summer